Local Properties Interview - Valor Magazine

Carla Barradas (C.B.): The balance has been very positive, the digitization of the business was inevitably accelerated and it was in this sense that we bet, to make a presence in the market. Working in real estate makes every day a new and different challenge and it is with this diversity that we can convey our passion and dedication. I believe that effort and dedication are the key to success!
Considering the new trends in housing demand that have emerged in the pandemic, what analysis does the housing market currently do?
Ricardo Henriques (R.H.): The market had to reinvent itself, it was almost a technological shock, in which buyers could not travel and new technologies were an important tool, virtual tours, Zoom meetings, video calls, virtual reality itself... We all had to learn fast, but all these technologies are now going to be the norm. Personally, I consider that technology, although it is very important, will never replace presence, eye-to-eye conversation, because much of this profession is the relationship we create with customers.
Is there a product on the market, to rent /buy, with the characteristics that people are looking for most? Would it be important to develop construction, to emerge new product in the market?
R.H.: That's a pertinent question. In the Algarve, there really is a shortage of new housing for resident buyers with normal wages. This, combined with the price preventing the leases. I understand that, for builders, it is more interesting to create a product they sell for 350,000 euros than a product they sell for 190,000 euros, but I think politicians should create laws or incentives to solve this problem. The Chambers should also not allow so many abandoned houses in their old towns and in need of works. It doesn't make sense to be building more without first taking care of what already exists.
What are the main challenges for the Algarve market today?
R.H.: The main challenges for the Algarve market are to create conditions so as not to have such a seasonal tourism, to invest in cultural tourism, adventure, gastronomic, differentiating products. All this will help create an Algarve that works all year round. Beauty, people, climate and food already exist, now it is important to think more in the medium /long term and create conditions for the future.
How important is the role of training in the development of good consultants and therefore good professionals?
C.B.: Training is very important, rigor and professionalism are essential in this profession, which has a very relevant social impact. All our consultants have training in the area, in addition to continuous monitoring, so that they can find motivation, much needed in these atypical times. In my opinion it would also be important to professionalize the sector, so that there is a concern with regard to minimum requirements to start or maintain in this activity. I would remind you that there has already been an obligation to have an active professional card and business suitability, but these requirements are currently non-existent.
What plans have already been outlined for the near future with regard to the growth or solidification of the company?
C.B.: Continue to bet on the virtual, which will be a dominant model of the future and will have more and more impact, strengthen our presence in social networks, with differentiating content. Increasing the team, providing more work tools, fostering innovation and dynamism are part of our vision for the future, as well as expanding the agency to other locations.