Sales Process

Trust Local Properties to sell your property!
Selling a property can be a difficult and exhausting experience if it is not conducted properly. Local Properties, in addition to being a licensed and accredited real estate company (AMI:17839) by the Institute of Public Markets of Real Estate and Construction (IMPIC), offers a personalized, efficient and continuous service to each client.
A real estate consultant is qualified to determine the actual price of your property, based on a comparative market analysis. This is the number one factor in the sale of your property. Through research, analysis and experience, we will help you determine the ideal sales price. A sales and marketing plan is put in place to expose the property to the most potential buyers.
Currently the Internet is the best and most comprehensive way to promote a company and also the most powerful tool for buying and selling real estate. Thus, we promote all our online properties in national and international real estate portals, as well as on social networks. We invest in our communication and marketing strategy, knowing exactly where and how to advertise our properties. We use real estate marketing tools, such as sending automatic emails to all customers in our database, whose preferences meet your property. It's the perfect way to get the right buyer.
Documents needed to sell your property:
Pessoa Singular:
Photocopy of the Identification card
Photocopy of the Tax Identification Number (NIF) (of all owners and their spouses).
Company (if the seller is a company):
Photocopy of the Commercial Certificate (valid for less than 6 months or the permanent certificate code);
Identification of the person who has the power to sign.
Certidão de Teor (property registration certificate) - This document is issued by the Land Registry Office which contains the name of the owner(s), the history of the property, information about the location and composition of the property and whether there are any charges, mortgages, usufructs, penhoras, etc. It can be requested on the Predial Online platform at a cost of 15 €, or in person at a Land Registry Office, at a cost of 20 €.
Caderneta Predial (tax/financial registration) - It is a document issued by the Tax Finance Department, which contains, among others, the following data: the article, the identification and location of the property, the areas of the property, typology, the confrontations, the tax asset value (for tax purposes) and the owner(s) of the property. It is possible to issue it free of charge on the Finance Portal or in person at the Finance Department. The document is valid for 12 months.
Licença de Habitação ou Construção ( Habitation or Construction License) - this document is issued by the City Council where the property is located. The habitability permit, verifies that the property was built according to approved plans, and is deemed to be habitable as required by law. For structures built prior to 1951, this document is not mandatory, however the certification from the City Council is required.
Property Plans – This document attests to the exact distribution of the property, with the gross and useable area, as well as the garage, storage, etc. This document is issued by the City Council and is very useful to improve the online performance of the property.
Certificado Energético ( energy certificate ) - this document is issued by the ADENE ( national energy agency) which evaluates the energy efficiency of a property and is valid for a period 10 years. It is mandatory since January 1, 2009, according to decree- law number 78/2006.
Ficha Técnica (housing technical data sheet)- this document describes the main technical and functional characteristics of the property. It is provided by the Builder and contains details of the Builder, technicians, materials used in construction, suppliers, etc. It is mandatory for buildings that have under gone reconstruction, expansion or alteration work after March 30 2004. If a duplicate is required, it must be issued at the City Hall upon payment of a fee.
We will help you sell your property!
Request a comparative study of the market and we will be happy to work with you on how to get the best price for your property in order to sell it quickly, smoothly and discreetly. Contact us!